Middle Tennessee School of Preaching and Biblical Studies
Luke 10:2 the harvest truly is great,
but the laborers are few.....
Our Director
R. Milton Stephens began teaching at the school in 2004 and has served as the director since 2015. He is a graduate of the Nashville School of Preaching and has been preaching for the Lynnville Church of Christ in Lynnville, Tennessee since 1993.
Brother Mike Stewart served as school director from 2002 till 2015
Our Teachers
The teachers of the school consist of faithful preachers and teachers who are members of the Church of Christ. They give of their time and effort to help the school achieve its purpose.
Everyone will benefit from their fine teaching.
Our Classes
Classes are offered on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings at eight different locations in Middle Tennessee. Check the classroom page for locations, times and topics.
You may attend any location you choose.
You may take as many or as few classes as you wish at any period or periods you choose.
All classes are evening classes
Classes are open to both men and women unless otherwise noted.
All classes are open to beginning bible students, regardless of present level of Bible knowledge.
Courses usually earn one unit of credit each
36 credits are required for graduation.
Our Program
Their is no tuition charge.
There are no fees of any kind from enrollment to graduation.
Bring your Bible and a desire to study God's Word.
We look forward to seeing you in class at one or more of our locations.
Our Thanks
We are blessed with so many who work to make the school possible.
We are thankful for each location, instructor and student who are a vital part
of the Middle Tennessee School of Preaching and Biblical Studies.